Monday, October 1, 2012

Woot! Woot! Who's Your Daddy?

I take back what I said the other day. 

I think I really am an old fart.

See, I've been away for some time from dear and now, not long after I've come back, I've had to wrestle with its new look.

For the love of God, Montresor! (hah! doesn't writing that just put a stamp of "doddering ancient duck" on my forehead? Go ahead, I dare you to wrack your brains figuring out who Montresor is... lol)

Anyway, yes, for the love of God... sigh... I am having a very hard time familiarizing myself with this new layout.

If only I didn't love a lot, I would have packed my stuff and moved to places less... intimidating...?

Ah, who am I kidding? I can't ever leave this place. I'm too fond of it. Besides, one of the main reasons I came here and settled down some time back is the ease of use I found in it.

So, while I frown and make faces at my monitor and gingerly poke this and that in this new layout (notice how I've come to change the template I use? Yay! Now, if only I can figure out where my post template went, because it's time to retire thanking Mr. Josh Peterson, as I no longer use his template anymore. Thanks, Mr. Peterson! It's been great!)  I will just have to console myself with the idea that I will soon learn, anyway. 

Just as I did before. When that time comes, I'll dance around the room and scream out loud "Woot! Woot! Who's your daddy, huh? Who's your daaahhhhhh-deeeeeeeeeeeeeee?"

I just my neighbors don't call the police.

I love Hong Kong, but I'll never fancy seeing myself stewing away in a Hong Kong jail.


Well, okay... I won't scream out loud. 

I'll just scream inside my head.

Like I'm doing now. 



Welcome to an opinion piece by David Garcia.
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